Whole Roasted Spiced Cauliflower

July 2017 - Lunch & Dinner

Whole Roasted Spiced Cauliflower

With its slightly sweet and nutty taste, cauliflower is great when it’s at its peak of availability, ripeness, and most importantly taste, in the later summer months. Whether you like it steamed, spiced, or raw it will really add a delicate nuance to almost any dish.


  1. Clean the cauliflower: remove any outer leaves and base of the stem and wash well. Pat dry.
  2. Add the grapeseed oil, garlic, and dried spices to a small bowl. Mix well.
  3. Take half of the spice and oil mixture and rub it all over the head of cauliflower. Take the remaining half of the mixture and drizzle it into the bottom of the head, rotating the cauliflower as you do so.
  4. Place the cauliflower on a parchment lined sheet pan and roast in a 350°F oven for about an hour until tender (there could be some variance depending on the size of the cauliflower).
  5. Remove from the oven and carefully toss with the oregano, chives, lime zest, and juice. Slice into wedges and serve.

Recipe was published in The Good Life magazine and created by Chef Nick Johnston.

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