Veggie Patch Tuna Sandwiches

August 2017 - Lunch & Dinner

Veggie Patch Tuna Sandwiches

The easiest way to get carrots, avocado, and protein into your picky little munchkins!! Low- drama veggies? Who doesn’t want that?! This sandwich is easy to make, and easy to love. Protein, vegetables, and good fats; all neatly contained in two slices of their favourite food group: BREAD! ????

YIELD: This batch makes at least 4 sandwiches. You can half the recipe below, but I recommend making this big batch, and then storing it for a day in the fridge. WAIT! So the prep for their lunch on Monday will actually make enough for their lunch on Tuesday?!  Bingo! I am telling you, busy mamas, I’ve got your back 😉


  1. Combine as many of the ingredients above as you like in a bowl, and mix,mix,mix!
    Spread on bread
  2. Cut the sandwich in half if that will make them happy, and DON’T CUT IT up if that will make them cry….you know your kid best 😀
  3. Suggested sides: carrot sticks and strawberries

Option: Prep the night before, and sprinkle the tuna mix with shredded cheese of choice (@daiyafoods shredded mozzarella is a great #dairyfree alternative) and grill in a panini press. It will still taste good cold, and the melted cheese serves a dual purpose of gluing all those goods onto the bread! Happy sneaky- sandwiching! ????#momwin why do you feel soooo good?!!?

Clean Little Plates is a place of inspiration in getting your little ones to love whole, real, DELICIOUS foods. Follow Melanie on Instagram @cleanlittleplates for more recipe ideas.

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