Zero-Waste Swaps
The Kitchen

January 2019 - Community & Environment

With the recent UN report about having just 12 years to limit global warming impacts, we hope you take these swaps into consideration the next time you go to stock up on their plastic counterparts! I grabbed these at Nature’s Fare.

Bio Sponge

Reusable Paper Towels
Aside from eliminating disposable products and saving our forests, these towels are machine washable up to 300 times, dishwasher safe, absorb 20x their weight, and each towel is equal to 15 rolls of paper towels. Best of all, these reusable paper towels are 100% biodegradable in active microbial soil within 12 weeks!

Biodegradable Sponges with Scour
These 100% biodegradable sponges will completely disintegrate in active microbial soil within 12 weeks! The average sponge doesn’t last very long and just ends up in the landfill when you’re done with it. Let’s change that! Cut this one up to separate the non-biodegradable scour fibre from the sponge, and bury it in your backyard or put it in your compost.

Root Bristle Dish Brush
The scrubbing power of this all-natural dish brush is all you’ll need to get dishes clean. No more soaking your dishes overnight!

Compostable Sandwich Bags
For those times when a container or reusable bag isn’t available, at least you know this one won’t stay on this planet forever. BioBag will compost within 10–45 days, depending on the compost methods used


Reusable Food Wrap
Abeego Beeswax Wrap is a must for food storage! Keep your bread soft, keep fruit and vegetables fresh for longer, and send snacks to school the eco-friendly way! Abeego is made of beeswax, pine resin, and jojoba oil and it lasts about 120 washes! What’s even cooler is that you can “repair” your wraps by putting a little more beeswax over it and placing it in the oven for a few minutes. Wash with lukewarm water and you’re good to go!

Biodegradable Garbage Bags
Why prohibit non-compostable materials from decomposing by wrapping them in plastic? Just as durable, without the negative impacts on the environment, Sumo Bio-Bags will fully decompose within 12–24 weeks when exposed to sunlight and oxygen!

Kaitlyn Dickie What lights my fire? Pizza, vegan desserts, the mountains and the ocean! I love sharing tips and tricks on how to live a more kind-to-the-earth lifestyle so that we can enjoy our planet for decades to come. It’s not that hard, I promise! Come hang out with me on Instagram where I post everyday alternatives you can choose starting today! @kaitlyndickie

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