Zero-Waste Swaps
Personal Care

January 2019 - Community & Environment

Personal Care

Zero waste swaps for personal care

Did you know that every single piece of plastic ever created is still here to this day? A lot of this comes from the things we use on a daily basis… our showers! Don’t worry, it’s easier than you think to reduce waste. I’m here to show you some easy swaps you can make today with items that I found at Nature’s Fare.

Charcoal Face Brush
I’m sure you’ve seen so many commercials on TV about plastic spinning face cleansers. Try this instead—it’s super gentle on your skin, removes dirt effortlessly, and there’s zero plastic involved.

Routine Zero-Waste Deodorant
You’ll get used to the jar really quickly, I promise! It smells amazing, there is no plastic involved, and it works just as well as the stick versions!

Bar Soap
Easy swap! Try to find a bar that is unwrapped or wrapped in paper. Opt for a bar soap that’s better for you and better for the environment. They typically have fewer harsh ingredients too!

Zero-Waste Dry Body Brush
Get rid of that plastic loofah and try this instead. Get brighter skin, encourage cell regeneration, and improve circulation and lymphatic drainage. Use before or during your shower!

Preserve Shave 5 Recycled Plastic 5-Blade Razor
This razor is made with recycled yogurt cups! Preserve Shave 5 gives you a close shave with its aloe and cocoa butter conditioning strip that is not tested on animals. The handle is also recyclable using their Gimme 5 program.

Kaitlyn Dickie What lights my fire? Pizza, vegan desserts, the mountains and the ocean! I love sharing tips and tricks on how to live a more kind-to-the-earth lifestyle so that we can enjoy our planet for decades to come. It’s not that hard, I promise! Come hang out with me on Instagram where I post everyday alternatives you can choose starting today! @kaitlyndickie

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