Keeping Your Goals In Sight

March 2019 - Health & Wellness

It’s important to put your goals onto paper in 2019, if you actually want to achieve them. It may sound a bit of a cliché, but it’s true and proven by neuroscience!
When we write down goals, dreams, visions, to-do’s, they get done! Here’s why:

  1. It becomes a written declaration. Write it, schedule it, and do it.
  2. You see it! When you see something over and over again, it will act as a reminder.
  3. Your own words. When you put pen to paper, you’re actually generating your own information versus simply reading it and most likely forgetting it 20 minutes later.
    Writing things down forces you to get clear on what exactly you want to accomplish, and helps you to discard the things you don’t. Once you become clear on what you want to create for yourself, you can begin to strategize your path and how you will work to get these things done.
    There are many ways you can do this: you can create a vision board using pictures to represent your future, you can use a journal with simple pen and paper, or you can try creating your very own “Vision Statement”
    Use my personal vision statement template to create your own. You’ll notice it is written in the present tense and describes the goals as if they have been reached and how that will make me feel.
    Type your vision statement out and hang it somewhere so you will read it every day. These statements are very personal, so put it somewhere that you will see and can keep it safe because your goals are exactly that… yours!

I would love to hear how this works for you! 

anessa Jahnke is a leading nutrition and healthy living expert helping women all over Canada create healthy, happy and successful lives.  She is the co-founder of Pure Gym & Juicery in Penticton, BC and a healthy living blogger at  In a world where we are inundated with diet information, Vanessa’s approach to healthy-living is fun, straight-forward and attainable, drawing thousands of people to her blog and online programs.

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