How to Approach the Holidays with Less Stress.

November 2019 - Health & Wellness

“Stress is not what happens to us, it’s our response to what is happening; and response is something we can choose at any moment.”

This time of year offers plenty of reasons to feel more stressed out or anxious. December is a full month of socializing more, spending more, doing more, eating more, drinking more and sleeping less. It’s no wonder that we stress ourselves out, physically, emotionally and mentally.

Experts say that the holidays make people feel “out-of-control”; the key is to keep some control over the holiday season, instead of letting the season control you.

Here are some ways that you can prepare yourself for a happier holiday season:

  1. Self-care.
    Many of us choose to take the month “off” our usual routines during the holidays. When is reality, it’s this time of year that we need to be even more committed to self care and routine. We all go into “overserving mode”, we want to make sure that everything is “perfect” and put everyones needs before our own. If this sounds all too familiar, then I challenge you to keep your fitness and self-care routine going through out November and December this year. It’s the best gift you can give yourself and those around you.
  2. Redefine abundance.
    I love this concept. Redefine what abundance means to you. Focus and be grateful on what you HAVE instead of being bitter for the things you don’t. Once you equate abundance with a full-heart and time with
    family and friends versus material items, your life will change dramatically.
  3. Unsubscribe.
    Our inboxes is already flooded with “junk-mail”, unnecessary advertisements and useless information, and during the holidays it seems to come at us ten fold. Simply click unsubscribe and make room for things that you actually want to arrive. I also recommend not giving out your email address at the store. (that’s usually how they get you)
  4. Gratitude.
    Directing your attention to the things in your life that make you happy is proven to make you healthier, less stressed and increase your energy. A common practice is to journal 3 experiences per day that you are grateful for; at the end of each day or first thing each morning. Try it right now! Close your eyes wherever you are, and say what you are grateful for in this exact moment. Say thank you and carry that smile with you for the rest of the day.


No matter how you choose to celebrate this holiday season, I hope you do so with more joy, happiness and gratitude.

Vanessa Jahnke is a leading nutrition and healthy living expert helping women all over Canada create healthy, happy and successful lives.  She is the co-founder of Pure Gym & Juicery in Penticton, BC and a healthy living blogger at  In a world where we are inundated with diet information, Vanessa’s approach to healthy-living is fun, straight-forward and attainable, drawing thousands of people to her blog and online programs.

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