You’ve probably heard that broccoli is a superfood, kale is all powerful and maca will balance your energy, but what do we really know about this veggie family? And why are these relatives so important to include in our diet? Read on to learn the nuts and bolts about crucifers.
Firstly, what is a cruciferous vegetable and what falls under this label? Crucifers are a large extended family including members of the Brassicaceae family, along with a few others. Originally from the eastern Mediterranean region, they are all offspring of the same wild plant that resembles our modern-day kale. From this origin plant species, a variety of cultivars and relatives were produced. They all have flowers with four petals that are shaped like a cross, which led to the appropriate name: crucifer. But what makes these so special? Specifically, cruciferous veggies contain a category of phytonutrients called glucosinolates. This includes the compounds isothiocyanate and indole-3-carbinol. (Indole-3-carbinol, or I-3-C, can be converted into 3,3’-diindolylmethane, or DIM. You may have come across either of these in various women’s hormone balancing formulas.) We can convert glucosinolates into glutathione, the powerful antioxidant we produce primarily in our liver. This category is researched for its anti-cancer and cardiovascular benefits.
Many of the phytochemicals found in the brassicas also contain the mineral sulfur. Sulfur (as hydrogen sulfide) is what gives the smell of rotten eggs. In these veggies it contributes to their sometimes-strong smell and flavour. While rotten eggs don’t sound very appealing, this mineral is of utmost importance to our liver and our ability to biotransform and detoxify certain chemicals, toxins, hormones and medications, so they can be properly removed from our body. Specifically, it can speed along the CYP1A2 detoxification enzyme, which helps move along chemicals like caffeine, aflatoxins, acetaminophen and PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). As this pathway also allows many sex hormones like estrogen to leave the body, supporting it can decrease risks of hormonal-related issues including breast cancer.
Crucifers also contain other phytonutrients like carotenoids, flavonoids and polyphenols that provide layers of benefits, many of them being antioxidant in nature. These can greatly support our liver, immune function and cardiovascular systems—when we eat them of course! Are they a part of your regular shopping list? Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale and Brussels sprouts are some of the more well-known cruciferous veggies, commonly found at our grocers and on our plates. Any crucifer in any form is going to have health benefits, but there is some great research around broccoli sprouts or microgreens being the most therapeutic of the bunch. Having a higher concentration of polysulfides (one of the compounds that contain sulfur) than their full-grown counterpart, we also eat potentially hundreds of them at a time on our sandwich or rice bowl. Each little sprout has the potential to become a whole plant, so we ingest all the synergistic benefits as opposed to just those found in the green or the flowering head. In their fresh, raw form, sprouts or microgreens are chock full of enzymes and antioxidants. Try growing your own microgreens or sprouts (or pick some up at your nearest Nature’s Fare Markets!). Broccoli sprouts, kale microgreens, baby arugula, etc. can all provide concentrated amounts of tasty yet powerful health benefits.
But in reality, it doesn’t matter how great a food is for you if you don’t eat it! (Or more importantly, don’t digest it.) So, start with the crucifers that you can digest, enjoy and can easily include in your diet. Variety is key here as well: if you only ever ate broccoli, you would be missing out on the different medicinal properties provided by kohlrabi. Switch up your choices with the local growing seasons. And as much as our green phytonutrient pigments are super beneficial, the other colours provide a different set of benefits. When it’s an option, pick red cabbage, orange cauliflower or purple kale to diversify your phytonutrient portfolio.
How to incorporate more crucifers into your diet:
1. Add broccoli sprouts to the top of your egg sandwich or avocado toast.
2. Cut up kohlrabi like carrot sticks and eat raw—it’s surprisingly refreshing!
3. Switch up your salad greens to include arugula, mizuna, watercress or baby kale.
4. Incorporate coleslaw, sauerkraut or braised cabbage in green or red varieties.
5. Dice rutabaga and toss with cinnamon and cumin before roasting in the oven.
Overall, it’s beneficial to start thinking of your diet therapeutically. What are you eating each day or week that is powering up your body’s systems and resources to obtain and maintain more ideal health? Choosing a rainbow of produce, locally grown and in season when available, that you can fully digest, is like eating a natural pharmacy. And incorporating cruciferous veggies into your diet is an awesome way to eat your way to better health.
How many of these cruciferous
veggies are part of your diet?
Angela Wright, BSC, CNP, RNCP is one of Nature’s Fare Markets’ Nutritionists who provides complimentary one-on-one nutrition consultations in our White Rock and Langley stores. Since entering the field of Holistic Nutrition in 2005, she has run a private practice, worked in supportive cancer care, and taught at a leading private nutrition college. Check out the appointment schedule on page four and book your free appointment in-store today or online at Learn more: