Why Can’t I Sleep?

September 2016 - Health & Wellness

As a nation, we’re increasingly tired and find it easy to fall asleep when we shouldn’t – at our desks, on the train, during lectures… but when it comes to climbing into bed where all our troubles should dissolve in a delicious wave of sleep, we’ve never been more awake!

Sleeping problems come in many different forms:

  • Finding it difficult to drop off to sleep.
  • Waking in the night and finding it hard to go back to sleep.
  • Waking in the early morning and finding it impossible to go back to sleep until just before the alarm goes off!
  • Waking up in the morning feeling as if you’ve been submerged in glue – sleep has been fitful or just unrefreshing and it’s really hard to get up.

Let’s look at some causes of sleeping problems, and then some solutions

Check for the following factors, which should be dealt with to improve sleep.

  • Caffeine intake. Yes, everyone knows that caffeine prevents good sleep, but did you know that even a couple of cups of tea, taken early in the day, could be affecting your sleep? People who are under stress or generally nervy can’t afford even a touch of caffeine. Ruthlessly cut out coffee, tea, fizzy drinks and chocolate (oh no!!), and see how much better you feel. Replace caffeine-filled drinks with chamomile, lemon balm, lemongrass or lemon verbena teas.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. Now this can be tricky because many stressed people rely on these stimulants to keep going and then to unwind. They will, however, seriously detract from the quality of your sleep. Lots of help is now available to get you off them, so speak to your doctor or pharmacist, and book an appointment with an acupuncturist, reflexologist or aromatherapist.
  • Avoid eating large meals late at night and reduce salt and sugar intake.
  • Make sure you are getting some physical exercise daily, even if it’s just 10 minutes brisk walking. It’s no good if your brain is tired and your body is raring to go.
  • Medication can affect sleep – talk to your doctor about the side effects of any medication you are on.
  • Stimulation in the bedroom – sex is fine, but other forms of stimulation, such as television, paperwork, or snoring partners, should be mercilessly banned.

Good sleep allies

A.Vogel® Avenaforce® for young children who are hyperactive during the day and night, and adults who have long term stress factors such as work or family problems.

A.Vogel® Passion Flower combined with Avenaforce® can help adults who are stressed during the day and then find it hard to stay asleep, waking in the early morning with their brains spinning.

Finally, A.Vogel® Deep Sleep improves the quality of sleep in adults. It promotes a longer deeper sleep and decreases sleep onset time.

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