
Top 10 Protein Snacks

March 2018 - Health & Wellness

Protein is fuel and it is essential no matter what diet you may follow. If you’re looking to get more protein in your snacks, reach for one of these 10 delicious, plant-based options:

  1. Protein Bites (6 grams protein per bite)
    To make a protein bite, mix nut butter, sweetener, Vega Sport Performance Protein and flavor-rich ingredients together into a bite-sized ball. You can play around with flavor combinations and ratios, but this Energy Bite recipe is our go-to at Vega HQ.
  2. ½ cup Trail Mix (average 6 grams protein per ¼ cup)
    The more nuts and seeds in your trail mix, the higher in protein it will be. So don’t just reach for the chocolate or coconut pieces if you’re hoping to increase your protein consumption!
  3. 1 Piece Toast with 2 Tablespoons Nut Butter (average 11 grams protein)
    Toast up a slice of gluten-free or sprouted whole grain bread and slather on your favorite nut butter. Almond, peanut, cashew, pistachio, sunflower…what’s your go-to nut butter?
  4. 2 ounces of Almonds (12 grams protein)
    You don’t have to count them out, but this would be about 50 almonds. Or ½ cup. Or 2 shot glasses full. You pick your favorite portion method
    Top 10 Protein Snacks
  5. Vega One®Bar (12 grams protein)
    This convenient meal bar has not only 12 grams of protein, but also 4 grams fiber, 1 gram ALA Omega-3, greens, probiotics, vitamins and minerals.
  6. 2 Servings Roasted Chickpeas (7 grams protein per serving)
    If you already love chickpeas in salads and hummus, have you tried them roasted as a snack yet? These Nacho Seasoned Chickpeas help to cure any chip cravings with a flavorful protein punch.
  7. Vega Sport® Protein Bar (15 grams protein)
    Whether you’re looking for a post-workout, or anytime, protein boost, Vega Sport Protein Bar has 2.5 grams BCAAs, and 1 gram Omega-3 ALA on top of 15 grams plant-based protein.
  8. Chocolate Mug Cake(19 grams protein)
    Whether you make it in the microwave or oven, this mug cake is a perfectly gooey protein snack.
  9. Chia Pudding (20 grams protein)
    Adding a serving of Vega® Protein & Greens bumps this chia pudding up to 20 grams of plant-based protein.
  10. Vega Sport® Protein Smoothie (30+ grams protein)
    A smoothie made from whole food ingredients and Vega Sport® Protein will have a minimum of 30 grams complete plant-based protein, and BCAAs, too. If you’re looking for a new smoothie combination, try one of these:

Learn more about vegan eating from Vega.

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