Simple Choices to Joyous Health

October 2016 - Health & Wellness

An enthusiastic audience gathered at our White Rock store last night to learn about Holistic Nutritionist Joy McCarthy’s 10 Essential Habits For Joyous Health, based on her book Joyous Health. Sponsored by New Chapter, McCarthy is known for her deep knowledge of nutrition, and her easy-going, straightforward way of helping people to connect with their food, and to make healthier choices.

In fact, the biggest takeaway was all about choice: choosing great health or not – as it relates to food, sleep, stress, relationships and mindset. Glowing with health, it’s clear that McCarthy practices what she preaches.

Here are the top takeaways:

  • Ditch the diet mentality of deprivation, and listen to your body’s inner wisdom
  • Start your day with a glass of rebalancing lemon or apple cider vinegar and water
  • Eat well – Choose quality over quantity, a mostly plant-based diet, buy organic, eat Superfoods every day, ditch the sugar, and cook at home.
  • Look after yourself – breathe deeply, do yoga and meditate, walk in green space everyday, take the right supplements, and detox your personal care products.
  • When you do ‘indulge’, enjoy it!

Most of all, she says, make slow and steady changes. Nothing sustainable happens overnight – and you’ll know you are joyously healthy when your mood lightens, your skin glows and your energy soars.

Visit any Nature Fare Market to pick up your copy of Joyous Health, and a wide range of New Chapter supplements.


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