Wear Pink on February 26! Anti-Bullying Day

February 2020 - Community & Environment

Take a stand to say no to bullying, and show your support for people who are bullied – in our schools, workplaces, homes, and on the Internet.

Why Pink Shirts?

In 2007, when a Grade 9 student in Nova Scotia was bullied for wearing a pink shirt, a group of friends bought 50 pink shirts to distribute to other students, to wear in support of their friend.

Their big hearts struck a cord, and today Pink Shirt Day has become an annual event in countries around the world, and recognized by the United Nations.

What is Bullying?

Bullying is doing, saying or acting, on purpose, in a way that hurts someone physically, or emotionally. This can be:

  • Verbal (name-calling)
  • Physical (punching, pushing)
  • Social (leaving someone out of an activity or group)
  • Extortion (stealing money or possessions)
  • Cyber bullying (on computers, the Internet, mobile phones)

“In Canada, a student is bullied on the playground every seven minutes”

How to help

  • Talk about bullying to your friends and family – especially your children.
  • If you see someone being bullied, stand beside him or her to show your support, lead them away, and tell a teacher or boss.
  • Buy and wear a pink t-shirt from the BC-based not-for-profit Pink T-Shirt Day Society.
  • For more tips on what to do if you are bullied, and for more information, visit http://www.pinktshirtday.ca.

Did you know?

  • According to the Canadian Institutes for Health Research:
  • At least 1 in 3 adolescent students in Canada have reported being bullied recently
  • 47% of Canadian parents report having a child victim of bullying
  • Any participation in bullying increases risk of suicidal ideas in youth
  • The rate of discrimination experienced among students who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans-identified, Two-Spirited, Queer or Questioning (LGBTQ) is 3x higher than heterosexual youth
  • Girls are more likely to be bullied on the Internet than boys
  • 7% of adult Internet users in Canada, age 18 years and older, self-reported having been a victim of cyber-bullying at some point in their life
  • 40% of Canadian workers experience bullying on a weekly basis.


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