Good Fitness: Move it!

May 2015 - Active Lifestyle

It’s responsible for 9% of premature deaths. 70% of costs associated with healthcare are due to this preventable condition. And it’s now considered the fourth biggest killer of our generation.

So what crazy disease is this?! Something we like to call the sedentary job – or the active couch potato.

Whether you’re currently leading an active lifestyle outside your 9-to-5 or are choosing to skip the gym and allow your corporate job to rule your world, you are at risk!

When we sit at our jobs all day, we don’t allow our bodies to move the way they are intended to – movement that would flush out toxins, release stress from our muscles, reset poor postures, or give our mental health an opportunity for refreshment and rest.
Some of us are spending hours at the gym every week and then, at the desk at which we sit each day, are simply undoing our hard-earned work.

So how do we counteract the poor effects our jobs are having on our bodies?

Get up and move
Something as simple as setting the timer on your smart phone and standing up every 30 minutes to stretch and move the body allows fluid to move through our muscles and refresh our systems! Alternatively, we could take a walk on our lunch break.
Take the stairs for all of your work errands. Whether you’re making copies, delivering a message, or picking up your lunch, take the stairs! The more times you climb, the greater result it has on your body.

Lunch hour workout
Whether you have 30 or 60 minutes on that lunch hour, you can make your time effective! If you don’t have access to a gym or a studio to pop into for a quick class, get together with some of your co-workers and start a run/walk club, setting your workout timers for a quick 20-minute interval workout.

Set up a healthcare program at work
Many businesses are taking the poor health effects of a sedentary job seriously and are open to allowing their employees short breaks to grab a breath of fresh air and move – some are even starting exercise programs in the office. I encourage you to contact the HR director and get the ball rolling at your company. Studies show that employees who take their designated lunch breaks and 15-minute coffee breaks are more effective in their roles and bring more passion to their jobs.


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