Boost Your Immune with Green Superfoods

September 2016 - Health & Wellness

Ah, it’s that time of year again.  Be ready for sniffles, coughs and sneezes for the next 5 months.  After a glorious summer in the sun, you almost forgot about that didn’t you?  Well, let’s start prepping now and tackle the cold and flu season with as much gusto as we tackled our summer.

How can we prep our immune system and shore up our defences?  One of the best ways we know is to take an extra daily boost of your superfood and one of the products we love most is the Nu-Greens Profile liquid concentrate.  With only one tablespoon, you can pack a powerful punch of nutrient dense superfoods and herbs that you can’t normally include in your diet.  With full antioxidant rich sea blend of spirulina, cholorella and several types of seaweed combined with energizing wheat grass and alfalfa grass, this blend can support your thyroid as well as your liver.  The combo of a couple types of ginseng, one serving can fortify your immune function and help you deal with any upcoming back to school and work stress.  Best of all, the organic blend of veggies and fruit will make any mom happy.  If only the rest of your life was this complete and easy.  So for the rest of your fall and winter, make sure you drink plenty of water, eat whole foods, get sleep when you can and take your Nu-Greens Profile liquid and you can enjoy a winter with less stress and illness.

Yours in health,

Your NuLife Team

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