Understanding Parasites

March 2025 - Health & Wellness

Parasites are more common than many realize; most of us will encounter them at some point in
our lives. While it’s uncomfortable to think about, it’s important to be aware of parasites, their
symptoms, and how to prevent and treat them.

If you’re dealing with recurring health issues with no clear cause, parasites could be a possibility. Simple lifestyle, food and herbal protocols can help prevent parasites. However, if you are diagnosed with a parasitic infection, the treatment usually involves several cycles to fully eliminate parasites and their eggs.

What are Parasites?
Parasites are organisms that live in or on another living being (the host) and rely on it for food and survival. The host can be a human, pet or wild animal. The health of the host plays a big role in how easily parasites take hold and how effectively they can be eliminated.

The following information is primarily focused on the worm type of parasites.

Once inside the host, parasites often settle in the digestive tract, where they irritate the intestines and interfere with nutrient absorption, leading to nutrient deficiencies and ongoing health problems. Some parasites can also be found in organs and blood.

Common Symptoms of Parasites
Some people may notice worms in their stool, but symptoms are often the first clue. Common symptoms include rectal itching, nausea, abdominal pain (especially around the belly button), chronic diarrhea or IBS, indigestion, hunger pangs or appetite loss, weight loss, anemia (low iron), fatigue, skin rashes, teeth grinding at night, night sweats and headaches. In more severe cases, parasites can cause muscle, neurological or even heart problems.

How Do Parasites Enter the Body?
Parasites most often enter the body through:

• Undercooked meat or contaminated produce;
• Drinking water contaminated with parasite eggs or larvae;
• Contact with contaminated soil or sand, especially via bare feet or under nails which then transfer into the mouth from hands; or
• Bodily fluids or sharing items from someone who has parasites.

Natural Remedies to Remove Parasites
To eliminate parasites, it’s important to first address the source of infection to prevent possible reinfection. But here are some foods, herbs and supplements that are known to help kill parasites:

Foods & Herbs:

• Garlic: A powerful natural parasite killer.
• Black Walnut and Wormwood: Effective remedy against worms.
• Cayenne Pepper, Turmeric, Parsley, Thyme: Help reduce inflammation and parasites.
• Pineapple (bromelain): Contains enzymes that can help break down parasites.
• Pumpkin Seeds: Known to help expel parasites.

Improved Diet:

• Increase high-quality protein, like lean meats and legumes.
• Include essential fatty acids (EFAs) from sources like fish and nuts.
• Reduce refined carbs and sugars, which parasites thrive on.
• Fully cook fish, poultry, eggs, meats, including wild game to ensure parasites and bacteria are destroyed.


• Vitamin A, B-complex, Vitamin C, D, K: Boost immunity and digestive health.
• Grapefruit Seed Extract, Pancreatic Enzymes, Berberine: Known to kill parasites.
• Fibre: Flax and psyllium can help move wastes out the body.
• Parasite Formulas: There are a few parasite cleanse products, each with different optimal combinations of key substances, such as above. They often have “cycle” instructions, to address both the adult parasites in the first round, then to kill the eggs/larvae that may have hatched.

Digestive Health:

• Lemon Juice or Apple Cider Vinegar: 1 tbsp 5 minutes before meals can help improve stomach acidity and digestive function.
• Zinc Supplements: Help stomach acid production, which aids in digestion and parasite elimination, as well as support immune function.

Bowel Health:

• Regular Bowel Movements: Aim for daily bowel movements to prevent intestines from becoming a breeding ground for parasites.

Healthy Microbiome:

• Parasites thrive in an imbalanced gut. To improve gut health:
Choose probiotic-rich foods like sauerkraut, kefir, miso and yogurt.
Eat fibre to feed beneficial bacteria.
Limit sugars, which feed problematic bacteria.

Immune System:

• Support Your Immune System: A strong immune system is essential for fighting off parasites. Consider Vitamins C and E, Zinc and Selenium which support the immune system, and focus on a clean, wholefood, nutrient-rich diet to support overall health.

Extra Tips to Prevent Parasites

Wash hands thoroughly, especially after using the restroom and before and after handling food.

Wash fruits and vegetables well under cold water. Soaking in vinegar or baking soda for five minutes can help remove extra debris and microbes.

Disinfect cutting boards and counter tops regularly, especially after handling raw meat or fish.

Clean bedding and clothes in hot water to kill any parasites. Limit pork and sushi which may harbour parasites if not prepared properly.

Have your pets checked for parasites.

When to Seek Help

If you are struggling with challenging symptoms that are not resolving, consider contacting your heath care practitioner for personal and direct support.

Please consider this information as starting place but do your own research, and if needed, contact your health care professional for more information.

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