One of the easiest ways to transition to a more sustainable lifestyle is to start making changes room by room or task by task to help make the switch a more attainable goal. Kaitlyn Dickie has broken down the house to help make this transition an easier one.
- Minimal Waste Personal Care
- Minimal Waste Kitchen Swaps
- Minimal Waste Hair Care
- Minimal Waste Dental Care
- Minimal Waste Lunches
- Minimal Waste Car Kit
- Minimal Waste Periods
Kaitlyn Dickie What lights my fire? Pizza, vegan desserts, the mountains and the ocean! I love sharing tips and tricks on how to live a more kind-to-the-earth lifestyle so that we can enjoy our planet for decades to come. It’s not that hard, I promise! Come hang out with me on Instagram where I post everyday alternatives you can choose starting today! @kaitlyndickie